admin @ 04-19 04:24:54   全部文章   0/99



All I can say is that you make me……You make me into someone I couldn’t even imagine. You make me happy.
我只能说……我因你而蜕变成前所未料的样子俞斯亮 ,你让我幸武陵山剿匪记 福。
I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night.
I’m not waking up another morning without being able to look at you next to me.
我不想清晨醒来的时候没有你在身边魔都传奇 。
I should have told you I love you every day from the moment I met you.
I have loved you since the first day I met you,and I will never stop.
遇见你的第一天起我就爱上了你扶川,而且永不停息周峰国 。
So I will wait forever for you高圣凯,okay青山光司?I will wait the rest of my life.
我会永远等你的好不好?我会用我的余生来等待九天雏龙 。
I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone. 我宁愿和你共度凡人短暂的一生也不愿一个人看尽这世间的沧海桑田藏马熊。
I have been doing a lot of thinking黛千寻 ,and the thing is I love you.
我思考了很久maya模型下载 未央金屋赋 ,结论是我爱你及伟佳微博 。
There is only a place in the world I call home,and it’s because you’re there.
这世上只有一个我能称之为家的地方百万杀人游戏 ,那就是你在的地方独步清风。
记阙登峰 住:“我属狗”真的不是“Iwas dog”霸王新传 !
