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1.圣托里尼岛(Santorini)古名为希拉(Thera),后来为纪念圣·爱莲,于1207年被改为圣托里尼。圣托里尼(Santorini)是在希腊大陆东南200公里的爱琴海上由一群火山组成的岛环,圣托里尼岛环上最大的一个岛也叫圣托里尼岛,别名锡拉岛(Thira)蒙克其其格 。
The ancient name of Santorini was Sheila, and later to commemorate St. Elaine, it was changed to Santorini in 1207. Santorini is a ring of volcanoes in the Aegean Sea宦海风月, 200 kilometers southeast of the Greek mainland. The largest island in the ring of Santorini is also called Santorini, the other name is Syrah.
详细行程D1国内-飞机-雅典交通岛上的出租车数量十分有限需要提前预订,可以告知入住酒店的前台要去的地方马诗歌 ,帮忙预约叮嘱造句。更好的办法是向酒店前台咨询好当月的公共巴士时刻表,可以手机拍下后方便查询,出行前规划好当天的路线。餐饮推荐美食:莓兹即希腊拼盘。莓兹源自于土耳其语,指众多的小菜。希腊拼盘可以由无数的凉菜、热菜,以及肉类、鱼类、奶酪或蔬菜为主的小菜组成维恩口腔 ,人们一般会搭配啤酒、茴香酒或者希腊白兰地郭晏青 。在浪漫的圣托里尼美美的享受一餐晚餐吧。住宿圣托里尼岛水上豪华套房酒店(Aqua Luxury Suites Santorini)景点蓝顶教堂(Blue Church)对于欧洲最初的印象,一个是地中海 异界田园风情 ,一个便是爱情海了,因为行程关系,我们放弃了希腊美好的洗礼,直接来到了爱琴海 的度假胜地—— 圣托里尼 我们没有做太多的攻略 ,只是选择一家自己喜欢的公寓莲池论坛 ,地理位置刚好在面朝大海的悬崖上黄频捷,走上去便是繁忙的 费拉 小镇中心;眺望远方彩色连珠 ,夕阳西下,坐在露台上享受惬意的午后直至出去觅
The Imperial Palace is located in the center of Beijing, also known as the Forbidden City. It was once the palace of 24 emperors in the Ming and Qing Dynasties (1368-1911 A.D.). It is now known as the Palace Museum. The Palace Museum is one of the five largest palaces in the world (the Palace Museum in Beijing, Versailles in France, Buckingham Palace in Britain, the White House in the United States and the Kremlin in Russia), and is listed as a "world cultural heritage" by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

3.颐和园是中国现存规模最大、保存最完整的皇家园林,中国四大名园(另三座为承德避暑山庄、苏州拙政园、苏州留园)之一盖丽丽老公 。位于北京市海淀区,距北京城区十五公里,占地约二百九十公顷。利用昆明湖、万寿山为基址,以杭州西湖风景为蓝本,汲取江南园林的某些设计手法和意境而建成的一座大型天然山水园,也是保存得最完整的一座皇家行宫御苑,被誉为皇家园林博物馆。
The Summer Palace is one of the largest and most well-preserved imperial gardens in China. The other three are Chengde Summer Resort, Suzhou Zhuozheng Garden and Suzhou Residence Garden. Located in Haidian District龙怨天, Beijing, fifteen kilometers away from Beijing City, covering an area of about two hundred and ninety hectares. Taking Kunming Lake and Longevity Hill as the base sites and Hangzhou West Lake scenery as the blueprint, a large-scale natural landscape garden was built by drawing on some design techniques and artistic conception of Jiangnan gardens. It is also the most complete preserved imperial palace, and is known as the Royal Garden Museum.

4.八达岭长城座落于北京市延庆区境内,蜿蜒腾跃于燕山山脉的崇山峻岭,是万里长城千百座名关险隘中,历史最为悠久、文化最为丰富、建筑最为宏伟、景色最为壮观、名声最为远大、保存最为完整的一段马滢微博 。它是万里长城的杰出代表,明代长城中最为精华的地段。
Badaling Great Wall is located in Yanqing District of Beijing, winding and leaping in the mountains of the Yanshan Mountains. It is one of the hundreds of famous and dangerous passes of the Great Wall. It has the longest history, the richest culture, the most magnificent architecture, the most spectacular scenery, the most far-reaching reputation and the most complete preservation. It is an outstanding representative of the Great Wall, the most outstanding part of the Great Wall in Ming Dynasty.
详细行程D1飞机-北京交通出租车数量众多,可以告知入住酒店的前台要去的地方廖洪毅 ,帮忙预约。更好的办法是向酒店前台咨询好地铁时刻表,可以手机拍下后方便查询,出行前规划好当天的路线。餐饮推荐美食:北方菜众多的小菜。可以由无数的凉菜、热菜,以及肉类、鱼类或蔬菜为主的小菜组成,人们一般会搭配啤酒在酒桌美美的享受一餐晚餐陈建真 。住宿五星级酒店或七天酒店景点故宫、长城、颐和园

眺望远方,夕阳西下,坐在露台上享受惬意的午后直至出去寻觅国庆假期文章下方留言点赞、关注小编公众号抽奖赠送《新灰姑娘》电影门票I张,让我们拭目以待,psv评测 看看被抽中的幸运儿会不会是你
